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Monday, April 18, 2011

Adult websites to get .xxx domain names

The Internet Corporation of Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), that supervises the formation and allotment of Web addresses, has given its final seal of approval to the .xxx domain name for pornographic websites on the Internet.

What this means is that .xxx websites will now become as common as .com and .net websites. The decision comes after a decade of political debates and oppositions. The .xxx domain got its preliminary vote of approval in June 2010.

CM Registry, the Florida-based company that sponsored the .xxx domain has said that the new domain name would allow for the creation of the equivalent of a red-light district on the Internet. According to the company, the domain name would also help in keeping out viruses, spam and issues related to credit card fraud as well.

ICM Registry has already received more than 300,200 applications for pre-registration of .xxx websites. Pre-registration comes free of cost and doesn’t guarantee that all interested parties will get the name of their choice.

Tech blog domainnamewire tell that there will be options for trademark holders, possible priority for those that own the same second level domain name under a different (Top-Level Domain) TLD, an RFP process for developing valuable names, and auctions.

ICM Registry is confident of earning revenues worth $30 million every year from the domain name at a price of $60 for each website with the .xxx suffix, of which $10 will be donated a non-profit organization involved in ensuring responsibility in business practices in the online pornography industry.

The online sex industry is known for earning high revenues with the Internet Pornography Statistics stating that over $3,000 is spent every second on internet-based porn and the term “sex” tops the list of most-searched words in Internet searches.

After winning the ICANN approval, ICM Registry said in a press release that the introduction of .xxx provides numerous benefits. “For consumers who wish to browse adult entertainment sites, it provides reassurance they are more protected from the risk of viruses, identity theft, credit card fraud and inadvertent exposure to child abuse images. It will also provide individuals and parents who wish to avoid adult entertainment sites the opportunity to filter out unwanted .xxx material,” the press release said.

“The benefits of .xxx for online adult entertainment providers include predictable revenue streams, greater customer retention and the chance to take a proactive and responsible approach to their Web presence,” it added.

How to apply for a .xxx domain name

Click here to register a .xxx domain name with ICM Registry.

The .xxx domain names will only be available to the adult entertainment industry. The contract will require anyone registering a .xxx domain to complete an application process endorsed and overseen by the International Foundation for Online Responsibility (IFFOR).

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