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Friday, April 29, 2011

How to upgrade from Ubuntu 9.xx, 10.xx to Ubuntu 11.04 Natty Narwhal Desktop and Server

The next Ubuntu version 11.04 Natty Narwhal is coming soon (The final stable version will be released end April 2011), if you intend to upgrade to 11.04 from current Ubuntu version there are few ways you can choose including online and offline upgrading. If you have ubuntu 10.10 Maverick Meerkat or older version of ubuntu installed and you want to upgrade to the latest Ubuntu 11.04 Natty Narwhal, you can do it by following these instructions.

Safety Precaution
To be safe:
# Make a full backup of your data on an external device (USB stick or CD/DVD).
# Download and burn the liveCD of the newer release, and check that your hardware is fully functional with it.

Desktop Online Upgrade
1# Press Alt+F2
2# type in “update-manager -d”
3# Finally click “Upgrade” and follow the on-screen instructions.

Server Online Upgrade
1# install the update-manager-core package if it is not installed:
$ sudo apt-get install update-manager-core

2# Edit /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades and set Prompt=normal;
$ sudo nano /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades
Then set “Prompt=normal;”
(remember to save it)

3# Launch the upgrade tool:
$ sudo do-release-upgrade -d
(follow the on-screen instructions)

Offline upgrading via Live-CD
Since Ubuntu 11.04 Natty, Ubuntu Live-CD supports upgrading from the previous Ubuntu installation. Download the Ubuntu 11.04 iso and create a Live-CD or Live-USB, then boot from the device, if you have a Ubuntu installed on machine there’s an upgrade option in the installation guide.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Howto Add Shared Folders in Vmware Player

You have to add some shares to the configuration file of the virtual machine. Open the .vmx file in a text editor and add the following lines at the bottom of the file to add some random shared folders and enable the drag-and-drop feature: = "FALSE" = "TRUE" = "TRUE"

sharedFolder.maxNum = "2"

sharedFolder0.present = "TRUE"
sharedFolder0.enabled = "TRUE"
sharedFolder0.readAccess = "TRUE"
sharedFolder0.writeAccess = "FALSE"
sharedFolder0.hostPath = "C:\"
sharedFolder0.guestName = "C"
sharedFolder0.expiration = "never"

sharedFolder1.present = "TRUE"
sharedFolder1.enabled = "FALSE"
sharedFolder1.readAccess = "TRUE"
sharedFolder1.writeAccess = "FALSE"
sharedFolder1.hostPath = "/"
sharedFolder1.guestName = "/"
sharedFolder1.expiration = "never"

You can add more or less shares, but don’t forget to change the sharedFolder.maxNum value accordingly. Don’t worry about the locations of the shared folders, they can be changed with your VMware software.

Credit goes:

Howto Install VMWare Tools Ubuntu Server

I don't often install Ubuntu server on a Virtual Machine (VM) so I've documented the process here. Usually you can just click "install VMWare tools" and VMWare will complete the process automatically.

Note: I used VMWare workstation 7.0 and Ubuntu 9.10. Once you have Ubuntu Server installed run these commands.

#Change to super user
sudo su

#Update your sources
apt-get update

#Upgrade your installed packages and force kernel upgrade
apt-get dist-upgrade

Now reboot

#back to super user
sudo su

#Update your kernel:
apt-get install linux-headers-server build-essential

Now you are ready to install VMWare tools.

#Mount the VMWare Tools CD ISO
mount /cdrom

#Copy VMware Tools
cp /cdrom/VmwareTools-x.x.x-xxxxx.tar.gz /tmp

#Go tmp
cd /tmp

tar -zxf VmwareTools-x.x.x-xxxxx.tar.gz

#Change to extracted directory
cd vmware-tools-distrib

#Start the installer

I used all of the default settings and it works great for me. After a reboot you can use tools such as Shared folders (/mnt/hgfs/).


Howto install VMware Tools in Ubuntu 10.xx

VMware Tools are fully compatible with Ubuntu 10.xx. Before you continue, make sure that you are using the latest version of your VMware software product. If this is not the case, upgrade to the latest version, because you need the newest version of VMware Tools.

First attach the ISO image containing VMware Tools to the virtual machine. Then open a terminal window and execute the following commands:

sudo apt-get update && apt-get upgrade
sudo mount /dev/cdrom /media/cdrom
cp /media/cdrom/VMware*.tar.gz /tmp
sudo umount /media/cdrom
cd /tmp
tar xzvf VMware*.gz
cd vmware-tools-distrib/
sudo ./

When the installation scripts promps for answers, just hit Enter since defaults are OK.


How to Install VMware Tools on ubuntu

VMware provides a completely virtualized set of hardware to the guest operating system,include the hardware for a video adapter, a network adapter, and hard disk adapters.

Download the VMware software from following link:

VMware Player(free):

VMware server(free):

VMware workstation:

VMware ESX:

To install VMware tools,first open a terminal window and type following code:


then execute it by command:

sudo bash ./


Tuesday, April 26, 2011

How to Build Linux Kernel Module Against Installed Kernel w/o Full Kernel Source Tree

Linux Kernel headers

This is essential because if you just want to compile and install driver for new hardware such as Wireless card or SCSI device etc. With following method, you will save the time, as you are not going to compile entire Linux kernel.

Please note that to work with this hack you just need the Linux kernel headers and not the full kernel source tree. Install the linux-kernel-headers package which provides headers from the Linux kernel. These headers are used by the installed headers for GNU glibc and other system libraries as well as compiling modules. Use following command to install kernel headers:
# apt-get install kernel-headers-2.6.xx.xx.xx

Replace xx.xx with your actual running kernel version (e.g. 2.6.8.-2) and architecture name (e.g. 686/em64t/amd64). Use uname -r command to get actual kernel version name. Please note that above command will only install kernel headers and not the entire kernel source-code tree.

A more generic (recommend) and accurate way is as follows:
# apt-get install kernel-headers-$(uname -r)

All you need to do is change Makefile to use current kernel build directory. You can obtain this directory name by typing following command:
$ ls -d /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/build
Sample output:


Let, say you have .c source code file called hello.c. Now create a Makefile as follows in the directory containing hello.c program / file:
$ vi Makefile
Append following text:

obj-m := hello.o
KDIR := /lib/modules/$(shell uname -r)/build
PWD := $(shell pwd)
$(MAKE) -C $(KDIR) SUBDIRS=$(PWD) modules

Save and close the file. Type the following command to build the hello.ko module:
$ make

To load Linux kernel module type the command:
# modprobe hello

A complete example

Create test directory (you can download following Makefile and .c file here):
$ mkdir ~/test
$ cd ~/test

Create hello.c kernel module file:


int init_module(void)
printk(KERN_INFO "init_module() called\n");
return 0;

void cleanup_module(void)
printk(KERN_INFO "cleanup_module() called\n");

Create a Makefile:

obj-m += hello.o

make -C /lib/modules/$(shell uname -r)/build M=$(PWD) modules

make -C /lib/modules/$(shell uname -r)/build M=$(PWD) clea

To build kernel module enter:
$ make
Sample output:

make -C /lib/modules/2.6.27-7-generic/build M=/tmp/test2 modules
make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.27-7-generic'
CC [M] /tmp/test2/hello.o
Building modules, stage 2.
MODPOST 1 modules
CC /tmp/test2/hello.mod.o
LD [M] /tmp/test2/hello.ko
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.27-7-generic'

Run ls command to see newly build kernel module:
$ ls
Sample output:

hello.c  hello.ko  hello.mod.c hello.mod.o  hello.o  Makefile Module.markers modules.order  Module.symvers

hello.ko is kernel module file. To see information about module, enter:
$ modinfo hello.ko
Sample output:

filename:       hello.ko
srcversion: 4F856ABA1F3290D5F81D961
vermagic: 2.6.27-7-generic SMP mod_unload modversions 586

To load kernel module, enter:
$ sudo insmod hello.ko
$ sudo modprobe hello
To list installed Linux kernel module, enter:
$ lsmod
$ lsmod | grep hello

To remove hello Linux kernel module, enter:
$ rmmod hello
This module just logs message to a log file called /var/log/messages (/var/log/syslog), enter:
$ tail -f /var/log/messages
Sample output:

Nov  5 00:36:36 vivek-desktop kernel: [52488.923000] init_module() called
Nov 5 00:36:50 vivek-desktop kernel: [52503.065252] cleanup_module() called

Download above examples in zip format

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Saturday, April 23, 2011

how to Clear Search for files and folders history in Windows

  • Click Start/Run and type REGEDIT
  • Navigate to the following key:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Search Assistant \ ACMru \ 5603

  • In the right-pane, delete the search items
  • Close Registry Editor

For Windows Classic Search, the entries are stored in the following registry key:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Internet Explorer \ Explorer Bars \ {C4EE31F3-4768-11D2-BE5C-00A0C9A83DA1} \ FilesNamedMRU

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

how to OpenStack Compute (Nova) scripted installation for Ubuntu

how to Install OpenStack Compute on Ubuntu

How you go about installing OpenStack Compute depends on your goals for the installation. Here is a matrix of options for single computer installation. This guide specifically walks through a bare-metal installation with two nodes.

Single node installation on Ubuntu for development purposes from source code using a script - see

Single node installation on Ubuntu for development and test purposes from a bleeding-edge package - see

Single node virtual machine installation containing a known version - see

Multiple node deployment using Puppet - see

You can install OpenStack Compute on multiple nodes to increase performance and availability of the OpenStack Compute installation. This setup is based on an Ubuntu Lucid Lynx 10.04 installation with the latest updates.


Monday, April 18, 2011

Create your own Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud part 1

Important update: This howto was targeted at 9.10. The 10.04 release of UEC introduces plenty of simplification (autoregistration of components, uec-publish-tarball automatically registering cloud images…) that makes some of this guide obsolete. Please see which is kept much more up to date. As an alternative, see, which details the testcase we run to validate UEC internally.

Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud is the product, powered by Eucalyptus, that allows you to easily run your own Amazon-EC2-like private cloud. It’s a lot simpler than you’d think. With the recent Ubuntu Server 9.10 beta release, you are now able to easily deploy that infrastructure from the CD installer.


To deploy a minimal cloud infrastructure, you’ll need at least two dedicated systems. One will hold the cloud controller (clc), the cluster controller (cc), walrus (the S3-like storage service) and the storage controller (sc). This one needs fast disks and a reasonably fast processor. The other system(s) are node controllers (nc) that will actually run the instances. These ones need CPUs with VT extensions, lots of CPU cores, lots of RAM, and fast disks. For both, 64-bit support is highly recommended.

Installing the cloud/cluster controller

Download the 9.10 Server beta ISO. When you boot, select “Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud install”. When asked whether you want a “Cluster” or a “Node” install, select “Cluster”. It will ask two other cloud-specific questions during the course of the install:

  1. Name of your cluster: pick any name you want :)
  2. List of IP addresses on the LAN that the cloud can allocate to instances: enter a list of space-separated unused IP addresses on your LAN.

When it reboots, run the following to get the latest eucalyptus package and reboot:

$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get upgrade
$ sudo reboot

Installing node controllers

The node controller install is even simpler. Just make sure that you are connected to the network on which the cloud/cluster controller is already running. Take the same ISO, select “Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud install”. It should detect the Cluster and preselect “Node” install for you. That’s all.

It is also recommended to update to the latest 9.10 status:

$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get upgrade

Connect your node controllers to the cloud

After all nodes are installed, you need to return to the cloud/controller and run the following command to make it “discover” your newly-installed nodes.

$ sudo euca_conf --no-rsync --discover-nodes

Confirm all the nodes it finds, and you are done. To check that your private cloud infrastructure is ready to serve, you need to retrieve admin credentials and run euca-describe-availability-zones command. Run the following on your cloud/cluster controller:

$ sudo euca_conf --get-credentials
$ unzip
$ . eucarc
$ euca-describe-availability-zones verbose

This last command returns a description of the capabilities of your cloud cluster, how many instances of each type you could run on it, for example:

AVAILABILITYZONE   myowncloud       
AVAILABILITYZONE |- vm types free / max cpu ram disk
AVAILABILITYZONE |- m1.small 0004 / 0004 1 128 2
AVAILABILITYZONE |- c1.medium 0004 / 0004 1 256 5
AVAILABILITYZONE |- m1.large 0002 / 0002 2 512 10
AVAILABILITYZONE |- m1.xlarge 0002 / 0002 2 1024 20
AVAILABILITYZONE |- c1.xlarge 0001 / 0001 4 2048 20

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Running OpenStack under VirtualBox A Complete Guide

Running OpenStack under VirtualBox allows you to have a complete multi-node cluster that you can access and manage from the computer running VirtualBox as if you’re accessing a region on Amazon.
This is a complete guide to setting up a VirtualBox VM running Ubuntu, with OpenStack running on this guest and an OpenStack instance running, accessible from your host.

The environment used for this guide

  • A 64-Bit Intel Core i7 Laptop, 8Gb Ram.
  • Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick AMD64 (The “host”)
  • VirtualBox 4
  • Access from host running VirtualBox only (so useful for development/proof of concept)

The proposed environment

  • OpenStack “Public” Network:
  • OpenStack “Private” Network:
  • Host has access to its own LAN, separate to this on and not used for this guide

The Guide

  • Download and install VirtualBox from
  • Under Preferences… Network…
  • Add/Edit Host-only network so you have vboxnet0. This will serve as the “Public interface” to your cloud environment
    • Configure this as follows
      • Adapter
        • IPv4 Address:
        • IPv4 Network Mask:
      • DHCP Server
        • Disable Server
    • On your Linux host running VirtualBox, you will see an interface created called ‘vboxnet0′ with the address specified as This will be the IP address your OpenStack instances will see when you access them.
    • Create a new Guest
      • Name: Cloud1
        • OS Type: Linux
        • Version: Ubuntu (64-Bit)
      • 1024Mb Ram
      • Boot Hard Disk
        • Dynamically Expanding Storage
        • 8.0Gb
      • After this initial set up, continue to configure the guest
        • Storage:
          • Edit the CD-ROM so that it boots Ubuntu 10.10 Live or Server ISO
          • Ensure that the SATA controller has Host I/O Cache Enabled (recommended by VirtualBox for EXT4 filesystems)
        • Network:
          • Adapter 1
            • Host-only Adapter
            • Name: vboxnet0
          • Adapter 2
            • NAT
            • This will provide the default route to allow the VM to access the internet to get the updates, OpenStack scripts and software
        • Audio:
          • Disable (just not required)
    • Power the guest on and install Ubuntu
    • For this guide I’ve statically assigned the guest with the IP: for eth0 and netmask This will be the IP address that you will use to access the guest from your host box, as well as the IP address you can use to SSH/SCP files around.
    • Once installed, run an update (sudo apt-get update&&sudo apt-get upgrade) then reboot
    • If you’re running a desktop, install the Guest Additions (Device… Install Guest Additions, then click on Places and select the VBoxGuestAdditions CD and follow the Autorun script), then Reboot
    • Install openssh-server
      • sudo apt-get -y install openssh-server
    • Grab this script to install OpenStack
      • This will set up a repository (ppa:nova/trunk) and install MySQL server where the information regarding your cloud will be stored
      • The options specified on the command line match the environment described above
      • wget --no-check-certificate
    • Run the script (as root/through sudo)
      • sudo bash ./ -A $(whoami)
    • Run the post-configuration steps
      • ADMIN=$(whoami)
        sudo nova-manage user admin ${ADMIN}
        sudo nova-manage project create myproject ${ADMIN}
        sudo nova-manage project zipfile myproject ${ADMIN}
        mkdir -p cloud/creds
        cd cloud/creds
        unzip ~/
        . novarc
        euca-add-keypair openstack > ~/cloud/creds/openstack.pem
        chmod 0600 cloud/creds/*

    Congratulations, you now have a working Cloud environment waiting for its first image and instances to run, with a user you specified on the command line (yourusername), the credentials to access the cloud and a project called ‘myproject’ to host the instances.

    • You now need to ensure that you can access any instances that you launch via SSH as a minimum (as well as being able to ping) – but I add in access to a web service and port 8080 too for this environment as my “default” security group.
      • euca-authorize default -P tcp -p 22 -s
        euca-authorize default -P tcp -p 80 -s
        euca-authorize default -P tcp -p 8080 -s
        euca-authorize default -P icmp -t -1:-1
    • Next you need to load a UEC image into your cloud so that instances can be launched from it
      • image="ttylinux-uec-amd64-12.1_2.6.35-22_1.tar.gz"
        uec-publish-tarball $image mybucket
    • Once the uec-publish-tarball command has been run, it will present you with a line with emi=, eri= and eki= specifying the Image, Ramdisk and Kernel as shown below. Highlight this, copy and paste back in your shell
      Thu Feb 24 09:55:19 GMT 2011: ====== extracting image ======
      kernel : ttylinux-uec-amd64-12.1_2.6.35-22_1-vmlinuz
      ramdisk: ttylinux-uec-amd64-12.1_2.6.35-22_1-initrd
      image : ttylinux-uec-amd64-12.1_2.6.35-22_1.img
      Thu Feb 24 09:55:19 GMT 2011: ====== bundle/upload kernel ======
      Thu Feb 24 09:55:21 GMT 2011: ====== bundle/upload ramdisk ======
      Thu Feb 24 09:55:22 GMT 2011: ====== bundle/upload image ======
      Thu Feb 24 09:55:25 GMT 2011: ====== done ======
      emi="ami-fnlidlmq"; eri="ami-dqliu15n"; eki="ami-66rz6vbs";
    • To launch an instance
      • euca-run-instances $emi -k openstack -t m1.tiny
    • To check its running
      • euca-describe-instances
      • You will see the Private IP that has been assigned to this instance, for example
    • To access this via SSH
      • ssh -i cloud/creds/openstack.pem root@
      • (To log out of ttylinux, type: logout)
    • Congratulations, you now have an OpenStack instance running under OpenStack Nova, running under a VirtualBox VM!
    • To access this outside of the VirtualBox environment (i.e. back on your real computer, the host) you need to assign it a “public” IP
      • Create the Public address range, this range will match the network that was set up near the beginning for VirtualBox’s vboxnet0 network –
        • sudo nova-manage floating create cloud1
      • Now associate this to the instance id (get from euca-describe-instances and will be of the format i-00000000)
        • euca-allocate-address
        • This will return an IP address that has been assigned to your project so that you can now associate to your instance, e.g.
        • euca-associate-address -i i-00000001
      • Now back on your host (so outside of VirtualBox), grab a copy of cloud/creds directory
        • scp -r user@ .
      • You can now access that host using the Public address you associated to it above
        • ssh -i cloud/creds/openstack.pem root@

    CONGRATULATIONS! You have now created a complete cloud environment under VirtualBox that you can manage from your computer (host) as if you’re managing services on Amazon. To demonstrate this you can terminate that instance you created from your computer (host)

    • sudo apt-get install euca2ools
      . cloud/creds/novarc
      euca-terminate-instances i-00000001
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Google announces ‘Cloud Print’ service for wireless printing

Google has launched a new service called “Google Cloud Print” that lets you print documents directly from your iPhone, iPad, Android-based cell phones or any other smartphone compatible with GMail’s mobile service to your printer at home or the office.

The technology giant made the announcement via its Gmail blog and here is how it works. One has to download the latest beta version of Google Chrome browser, and then install the same on a computer – any device running on Windows XP, Vista, or Windows 7 operating system – connected to the printer that you would like to make available through Cloud Print.

After the completion of these two steps, you have to “enable” the printer () for the service. Google says that users can register one or more of their printers with its Cloud services and link them to their GMail accounts.

Once this is done, open Gmail in your phone browser and select “Print” from the dropdown menu at the top right corner, in order to print e-mails directly. One also has the option of printing specific e-mail attachments (including any file format compatible with GMail, such as PDF, DOC and HTML), by clicking the “Print” link that appears next to them.

However, the service comes with some strings attached. The printer must be connected to a computer for the Cloud Print to work. If your printer is offline (the PC/notebook running the Google Cloud Print connector is turned off) at the time when you give the printing order from your smartphone, then the print job will be executed only after the printer comes back online! Plus, in order for the printer to connect to the Google Cloud, users have to make sure that they are logged into their computers.

The fact that the Chrome beta is currently available only in Windows version means that the Cloud Print service is a non-starter for OS X users. But Google assures that it would roll out Linux and Mac versions of the software “soon.”

It’s also worth noting that the Web titan has opened up the specifications for its Cloud Print interface – something which will allow printer manufacturers to device their customized “Cloud Print-aware” devices that can directly get hooked to the Cloud service without needing a computer as an intermediary.

Google Cloud Print will compete with Apple’s AirPrint technology, which facilitates wireless printing by iOS devices.

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Adult websites to get .xxx domain names

The Internet Corporation of Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), that supervises the formation and allotment of Web addresses, has given its final seal of approval to the .xxx domain name for pornographic websites on the Internet.

What this means is that .xxx websites will now become as common as .com and .net websites. The decision comes after a decade of political debates and oppositions. The .xxx domain got its preliminary vote of approval in June 2010.

CM Registry, the Florida-based company that sponsored the .xxx domain has said that the new domain name would allow for the creation of the equivalent of a red-light district on the Internet. According to the company, the domain name would also help in keeping out viruses, spam and issues related to credit card fraud as well.

ICM Registry has already received more than 300,200 applications for pre-registration of .xxx websites. Pre-registration comes free of cost and doesn’t guarantee that all interested parties will get the name of their choice.

Tech blog domainnamewire tell that there will be options for trademark holders, possible priority for those that own the same second level domain name under a different (Top-Level Domain) TLD, an RFP process for developing valuable names, and auctions.

ICM Registry is confident of earning revenues worth $30 million every year from the domain name at a price of $60 for each website with the .xxx suffix, of which $10 will be donated a non-profit organization involved in ensuring responsibility in business practices in the online pornography industry.

The online sex industry is known for earning high revenues with the Internet Pornography Statistics stating that over $3,000 is spent every second on internet-based porn and the term “sex” tops the list of most-searched words in Internet searches.

After winning the ICANN approval, ICM Registry said in a press release that the introduction of .xxx provides numerous benefits. “For consumers who wish to browse adult entertainment sites, it provides reassurance they are more protected from the risk of viruses, identity theft, credit card fraud and inadvertent exposure to child abuse images. It will also provide individuals and parents who wish to avoid adult entertainment sites the opportunity to filter out unwanted .xxx material,” the press release said.

“The benefits of .xxx for online adult entertainment providers include predictable revenue streams, greater customer retention and the chance to take a proactive and responsible approach to their Web presence,” it added.

How to apply for a .xxx domain name

Click here to register a .xxx domain name with ICM Registry.

The .xxx domain names will only be available to the adult entertainment industry. The contract will require anyone registering a .xxx domain to complete an application process endorsed and overseen by the International Foundation for Online Responsibility (IFFOR).

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YouTube enables live streaming service, lets you watch IPL matches online

With over 2 billion views a day, YouTube is one of the world’s most popular websites.

The video giant is now expanding its kitty of offerings by launching a live broadcast channel. YouTube Live will integrate live streaming capabilities and discovery tools directly into the YouTube platform for the first time, the website announced on its blog.

This begins with a new YouTube Live browse page (, where you can find the most compelling live events happening on YouTube and add events to your calendar. You can subscribe to your favorite YouTube live-streaming partners to be notified of upcoming live streams on your customized homepage.

Google’s online video site YouTube has also started rolling out a live streaming beta platform, which will allow certain YouTube partners with accounts in good standing to stream live content on YouTube. This feature is being rolled out incrementally over time.

What this means is that you will get to see many interviews, concerts and sporting events as they happen. Cricket lovers will have a special reason to rejoice as Indian Premier League T-20 matches will be broadcast live on YouTube Live till May 28, 2011. Suggested read: Mobile TV phones in India

All you need to watch YouTube content on your mobile phone is a phone with a video player and an Internet connection. If you have a 3G service enabled on your phone, you will get excellent streaming quality with zero lags or connection breaks. Check out some cheap 3G phones available in India

YouTube has been planning a site overhaul lately, with Google focusing on generating original content for its video streaming site. Last week, Wall Street Journal reported that the site is planning a series of changes to its home page to highlight sets of “channels” around topics such as arts and sports.

About 20 or so of those channels will feature several hours of professionally produced original programming a week, the newspaper said. Google is planning to spend as much as $100 million to commission low-cost content designed exclusively for the Web.

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Play music from anywhere with Amazon Cloud Player

Amazon Cloud Player, as the name suggests, is a Cloud-based music player that lets you upload music to Amazon’s servers and play it back from a range of devices.

What Amazon Cloud Player essentially does is serve as your very own portable storage device that you can use to play music from any compatible computer or through your Android phone or tablet. Suggested read: Android apps on discount at Amazon App Store

You get 5GB of free storage space from Amazon. Purchasing an album through Amazon gets you another 20GB. Every 1GB is charged at $1 after that. Music
purchased through Amazon is saved directly in the Cloud and doesn’t count toward the user’s storage quota.

To upload MP3 music files from your computer or Android device to the Amazon Cloud Player, launch the app and use the “Save to Amazon Cloud Drive” button. The app not only lets you to upload music, but organize it and create playlists too.

Apart from music, Amazon Cloud Drive also allows customers to upload and store all kinds of digital files, such as, photos, videos and documents to be stored securely in Amazon’s servers, available via Web browsers on any computer.

For now, the Amazon Cloud Player Web-based music service is available only in the United States for users who have an Amazon account with a valid U.S. billing address. Also see: Google Cloud Print services for wireless printing

Apple and Google are also said to be working on Cloud-based music players, but Amazon clearly has beaten them to it. Though Safari browser for Mac devices is said to support Cloud Player for Web app, many users are complaining their Macs are not playing back the music.

“We’re excited to take this leap forward in the digital experience,” said Bill Carr, vice president of Movies and Music at Amazon at the public launch of the service.

“The launch of Cloud Drive, Cloud Player for Web and Cloud Player for Android eliminates the need for constant software updates as well as the use of thumb drives and cables to move and manage music.”

“Our customers have told us they don’t want to download music to their work computers or phones because they find it hard to move music around to different devices,” Carr said. “Now, whether at work, home, or on the go, customers can buy music from Amazon MP3, store it in the cloud and play it anywhere.”

Read More

Sunday, April 17, 2011

How To Install VMware Tools on Ubuntu Guests

Installing VMware Tools on virtualized guests gives you a much more enjoyable experience within your virtual environment. Screen resolution, mouse behaviour, etc will be improved for your virtual sessions after installing these additional tools. Installing these tools within Ubuntu 8.04 virtualized guests is fairly simple, just follow along below.

Installing VMware Tools

The first requirement, of course, is that you have Ubuntu 8.04 installed within VMware Server and that Ubuntu 8.04 is running.

Once you’ve got your Ubuntu 8.04 guest logged in, navigate to the “VM” menu option (File, Edit, View… VM) and select “Install VMware Tools”. This will notify you once again that your guest must be logged in. If that is the case, click “Install”.

note: The next step in the process may be simpler if you make sure any other CD images are unmounted before continuing.

This part of the process mounts a virtual CD image with the VMware Tools contained on it. To find these tools for installation navigate to Places > Computer > CD Drive. You should find these two files listed there:


For Ubuntu guest installations we’ll want to use the .tar.gz file. Now we have access to the needed file, the next part of the process is opening the archive and installing the tools.

Below I’ve put together a copy-paste list of commands you should be able to use to unpack and setup VMware Tools on your Ubuntu 8.04 guest. All of these commands happen within the Ubuntu 8.04 Guest machine:

sudo aptitude install build-essential linux-headers-generic
cp /media/cdrom/VMwareTools-*.tar.gz /tmp/
cd /tmp/
tar xf VMwareTools-*.tar.gz
cd vmware-tools-distrib/
sudo ./

You should be able to safely select the defaults for most of the questions. You might want to pay attention at the step where it asks for your preferred available resolution and set that properly. For the new VMware Tools to be available once this process is done you’ll need to reboot your Ubuntu 8.04 guest. Enjoy.

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how to Run Windows in Ubuntu with VMware Player

Linux has become increasingly consumer friendly, but still, the wide majority of commercial software is only available for Windows and Macs. Dual-booting between Windows and Linux has been a popular option for years, but this is a frustrating solution since you have to reboot into the other operating system each time you want to run a specific application.

With virtualization, you’ll never have to make this tradeoff. VMware Player makes it quick and easy to install any edition of Windows in a virtual machine. With VMware’s great integration tools, you can copy and paste between your Linux and Windows programs and even run native Windows applications side-by-side with Linux ones.

Getting Started

Download the latest version of VMware Player for Linux, and select either the 32-bit or 64-bit version, depending on your system. VMware Player is a free download, but requires registration. Sign in with your VMware account, or create a new one if you don’t already have one.

VMware Player is fairly easy to install on Linux, but you will need to start out the installation from the terminal. First, enter the following to make sure the installer is marked as executable, substituting version/build_number for the version number on the end of the file you downloaded.

chmod +x ./VMware-Player-version/build_number.bundle

Then, enter the following to start the install, again substituting your version number:

gksudo bash ./VMware-Player-version/build_number.bundle

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